The European Endowment for Democracy, Brussels, is an independent, grant-making organisation, established in 2013 by the EU and EU member states as an autonomous International Trust Fund to foster democracy in the European Neighbourhood, the Western Balkans, Turkey and beyond.
Vermillion worked with EED to design their Annual Report 2021, which was recently launched in the European Parliament.
The top level summary report was designed to engage and inform EED stakeholders online, using layers of information (including animations, audio and video files) to allow the reader to engage with the report as they choose; to direct their own experience depending on areas of interest. We created an animated 'sting' for the report, to be posted across EED social media channels in order to generate interest in and awareness of the report, while linking to it. This comprehensive, cross-channel approach to the Annual Report was a first for EED.
Appears in: Print DesignDigital Design